Flat UI is a beautiful theme for Bootstrap.
├── dist/
| ├── css/
| | ├── vendors/
│ | ├── flat-ui.css
│ | └── flat-ui.min.css
| ├── js/
| | ├── vendors/
│ | ├── flat-ui.js
│ | └── flat-ui.min.js
| ├── fonts/
| | ├── lato/
| | └── glyphicons/
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.eot
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.svg
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.ttf
| | ├── flat-ui-icons-regular.woff
| | └── selection.json
| ├── img/
| └── index.html
├── docs/
| ├── examples/
| ├── components.html
| ├── getting-started.html
| └── template.html
├── fonts/
| ├── glyphicons/
| └── lato/
├── img/
├── js/
└── less/
├── mixins/
├── modules/
├── flat-ui.less
├── mixins.less
└── variables.less
Using CSS is as easy as dropping flat-ui.css into your project folder and including it in your template/html page: <link href="dist/css/flat-ui.css" rel="stylesheet">
Use Less if you want to modify/extend Flat UI in your project. It is built just like Bootstrap, so you won’t find a big difference.